*Titles/Companies are shown as was at the time the quote was given
Dr. Miguel Forte, VP Global Medical Affairs,
Inflammation, UCB *
"Sunita is the ideal business partner. Critical but supportive. Active but not intrusive.
Sunita understands the business objectives, sees the strategy and implementation aspects,
and engages as a true partner. Once there, you could not see the team without her!"
"Coaching is not teaching. Coaching is not directing.
Coaching is making one understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Coaching is making one see himself at the right angles and unleash one's potential to be successful.
Sunita excels in this mirror approach to coaching."
"When coached by Sunita, I had the tough and challenging experience of seeing
my weaknesses and understanding my strengths.
But more important than that I had the comfortable sense
of knowing how to succeed as an individual"
"Sunita has an emotional and rational approach to coaching.
She engages with the individual while understanding the business environment."